Monty – Maltese/Yorkie (Morkie)
4 months
Small puppy who needed to learn the basics – puppy boot camp!
Gaining confidence (fast!) at puppy socials, waiting at the door, using the bells to ask to go outside
Trophy moment
“Asks” for things politely by sitting!
Coco – Chocolate lab
1 year old
Big puppy who needed some basic training
Loose-leash walking, basic manners (sit, stay, wait), recall at the park
Trophy moment
7-minute stay!
Click Here to Watch the VideoIzzi – Golden retriever
3 years old
Fear of getting into cars, basics refresher
Loose-leash walking, tightened up the basics
Trophy moment
Izzi happily got into the car…
Click Here to Watch the VideoCookie – Boxer
3 years old

Barks and lunges when she sees other dogs on walks
Walks much more calmly on leash, and enjoys playing “look at that” when on leash.
Trophy moment
No barking when approached by another dog…
Click Here to Watch the VideoLance – Poodle
9 years old
House training, does not tolerate handling/being picked up, nips at hands
House training issues resolved quickly, good basic manners, allows and even enjoys petting and handling.
Trophy moment
Allowed his person to lift him up and handle him during bathing.
Click Here to Watch the VideoBrooklyn – Boxer
Jumping on visitors
Brushed up on basics and even added a retrieve!
Trophy moment
Polite greeting when visitors enter – even if visitors are jumping up and down!
Click Here to Watch the VideoJiblet – Australian cattle dog
2 years old
Just moved to a new apartment and having trouble getting used to the new potty spot on the deck (holds it all day)
Jib became comfortable with the potty spot after 2 weeks of practicing exercises
Trophy moment
Mom and dad came home to find that Jib has used the potty spot!
Corey – Golden retriever
8 weeks – 2 years
Puppy who needed excellent manners, composure, and confidence for wheelchair work
After 20 months of training, Corey was ready to help a disabled veteran.
Trophy moment
“Paying” at checkouts by taking a credit card and presenting it to the clerk.
Favorite behavior
Tie between removing socks from people’s feet and removing clothes from the dryer.
Pollyanna – Yellow lab
2 years old
Advanced service dog training
Bringing the cordless phone when it rings
Trophy moment
Turning on and off lights with her nose
Favorite behavior
Pulling open drawers